Each time ketogenic diet (KD) appear in discussions, there are lots of conflict regarding its safety and efficacy in CKD patients. However, in ADPKD it is some what different. Trials in animal models showed that  the metabolic state of ketosis is important for inhibiting PKD progression. However, clinical trials in humans were lacking, many are ongoing.

We previously reported the safety of KD in an obese CKD patient. The patient had a stable eGFR during his KD regimen together with successful weight loss as shown in the following chart:

In the RESET-PKD pilot trial on short-term ketogenic interventions in ADPKD patients, KD was feasible for ADPKD patients in daily life. KD caused significant change in total liver volume, without significant change in total kidney volume. This study may indicate the need for longer duration of the intervention.

KD remains on board for ADPKD patients till ongoing clinical trial results appear. KD has many potentials as a therapeutic option for ADPKD, as it suggested to enhance metabolic reprogramming. ADPKD patients in Egypt are deficient in treatment options due it the unavailability of Tolvaptan! Patients are desperate to find alternative solutions to this progressive incurable disease.